If you are looking at Tax Credits and reviewing or planning your finances, please feel free to contact us.  We can discuss your specific circumstances to help you plan tax efficiently.

Working Tax Credit

Basic element£1,960£1,960£1,960£1,995£2,005
Couple and lone parent
30 hour element£810£810£810£825£830
Disabled worker element£3,000£3,090£3,165£3,220£3,240
Severe disability element£1,290£1,330£1,365£1,390£1,400

Childcare Element of Tax Credit

Maximum eligible cost for one child£175 per week£175 per week£175 per week£175 per week£175 per week
Maximum eligible cost for two or more children£300 per week£300 per week £300 per week £300 per week£300 per week
Percentage of eligible costs covered70%70% 70%70%70%

Child Tax Credit Rates

Child Tax Credit Family£545£545£545£545£545
Child element£2,780£2,780£2,780£2,830£2,845
Disabled child element£3,175£3,275£3,355£3,415£3,435
Severely disabled child element£1,290£4,600£4,715£4,800£4,825

Tax Credits Income Thresholds

First income threshold£6,420£6,420£6,420£6,530£6,565
First withdrawal rate (per cent)41%41%41%41%41%
First threshold for those entitled to Child Tax Credit only£16,105£16,105£16,105£16,385£16,480
Income rise disregard£2,500£2,500£2,500£2,500£2,500
Income fall disregard£2,500 £2,500£2,500£2,500£2,500

Child Benefit Rates

Eldest/Only Child£20.70£20.70£20.70£21.05£21.05
Other Children£13.70 £13.70 £13.70£13.95£14.00

Guardian’s Allowance Rates

Guardian’s Allowance£16.70£17.20£17.6017.9017.90

Please contact us for further information.